John McLean Media Distributor of quality television programming to USA domestic and international broadcast sattellite, cable and television stations

Biz Kid$
(65 x 30 mins) HDTV
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Episode 101 What is a Biz Kid?

Meet the Biz Kids.  We learn that a Biz Kid isn’t just anybody but anybody can be a Biz Kid.  They have certain traits in common – They’re job ready, they identify a need, make a plan, and take action.

Episode 102 What is Money? 

The BizKid$ team explores the history of what has been accepted as payment for goods and services thru the ages.   We learn how money has changed in form and measure.

Episode 103 How to Get Money

We explore the various ways of earning money.  Making money is the goal and learning how to make money work for you. We visit the New York Stock Exchange and learn about profits and losses.

Episode 104 What To Do With Money?

Once you have a little money – what to do?  The BizKid$ team learn about investing it, saving it and spending it – not all in one place!

Episode 105 Money Moves

When money moves between individuals or groups it is called a transaction.  Transactions change the financial status of everyone involved.

Episode 106 Take Charge of Your Financial Future

Setting financial goals is important to achieving financial success.The team figures out where they want to be financially and make  plans on how to get there. 

Episode 107 A Biz:  What it is! 

A business supplies goods or services for money.  A successful business makes profit when it brings in more money than it spends. What is revenue and what are expenses?  

Episode 108 How to Succeed in Biz-Ness by Really Trying!

A business can be anything from babysitting to owning vending machines.  The three key ingredients – identify a need / make a plan to fill a need / take action to implement the plan.

Episode 109 Cash and Credit

Cash – Buy it now and Pay NOW!  Credit – By Now / Pay Later and Larger.  Credit is temporarily using someone else’s money  for a price.  Don’t forget the Risk!

Episode 110 How to Achieve Your Financial Goals 

To save money every month – spend less than you make!  A budget will help – what’s a budget?  Invest what’s left over. 

Episode 111 Don’t Blow Your Dough 

Protect the money you already have.  Put it in a safe place – probably  not buried in the backyard.  Know where it is and beware of scams, schemers, and flim-flams.

Episode 112 Entrepreneurs

An Entrepreneur is someone who sees a financial opportunity and acts upon it.  What does it take to be an Entrepreneur?

Episode 113 Biz Kids Challenge 

Project Lemonade:  The Biz Kids learn the world of marketing through a  unique challenge.  Two teams, two identical lemonade stands.  It’s up to  the kids to decide the price and promotion strategy to sell the most product. The proceeds go to their favorite charities.

Episode 114 Being a Smart Consumer

A Biz Kid is young but wasn’t born yesterday.  The Biz Kids look at what it takes to get the most for your money.  They examine smart shopping strategies and also learn to avoid common pitfalls and traps set by savvy marketers and high pressure salesmen.

Episode 115 Credit

Living on borrowed time:  The Biz Kids see the true cost of purchasing with credit.  They also take an unsettling look at credit scores and the increasing number of people and places (employers, insurers, colleges, etc.) who are using them to make major decisions that affect young peoples’ futures.

Episode 116 Budgeting

Budgeting is basic:  The Biz Kids learn the first rule of money management:  You can’t manage what you don’t know.  They look at spending, expenses and several proven methods on how to gain control of both.

Episode 117 Business Ethics

Doing the right thing:  The Biz Kids look at several aspects of ethics in business, and the downside of not following them.  In this episode we see what it means for management to lead by example, and how employees must take responsibility for their behavior.

Episode 118 Saving and Investing

The early bird catches the IRA.  The Biz Kids learn the powerful potential of starting a savings plan early in life.  They also take a detailed look at the savings and investing options available to young people.

Episode 119 Career Development

When is a job more than a job?  The Biz Kids look at what it takes to find your true calling and ways young people can get started down that road.  We talk to several celebrities and find out how they got their start and kept going to reach their dream.

Episode 120 The Global Economy

The world of Biz Kids – Biz Kids around the world.  We follow the flow of imports and exports that make up the interconnected world economy.  The kids examine how many of the things they use every day come from all over the world, who made them, and how they came to have them.

Episode 121 Financial Markets

Kids and Bulls and Bears, oh my!  The Biz Kids examine stocks, bonds, commodities and the markets where each of them are traded.  They look at various ways young people can get involved with the transactions, aim for profit, and avoid risk.

Episode 122 Sell,  Sell,  Sell

All sales final:  The Biz Kids take a trip through the philosophy, technique, and training for sales.  They look at the traits common to all good salespeople and learn to be on the lookout for the tell tale signs of the not-so-good.

Episode 123 Income and Expenses

Go with the cash flow:  The Biz Kids watch the ebb and flow of income and expenses.  They learn proven methods to get expenses under control while growing income with new ideas, smarter work habits, and innovation.

Episode 124 Building and Growing a Business

From startup on up:  The Biz Kids follow the steps necessary for organizing, staffing, and training in a new business.  Then they see how effective communication increases morale and makes the business grow.

Episode 125 Understanding Your Paycheck

What’s on your stub, bub?  The Biz Kids use a modern American pay stub as an historical text that documents various social movements of the last century.  From the union movement to social security, workman’s compensation, all the way to the IRA’s of today -  it’s all there on the stub.

Episode 126 Social Entrepreneurs

The Biz Kids look at visionaries who use the same tools as profit- oriented entrepreneurs.  But instead of building companies these people build thriving organizations and powerful movements for social change.

Episode 201 Have a Plan, Stan!

Explore the different elements of a business plan and see why it’s crucial to develop a plan before you start your business. Meet a teen who opened a snow-cone shack, another who makes and sells candles, and a group who markets self-defense kits.

Episode 202 Money Math – Who Needs It?

Math is a true building block in the business of your life. Whether you are calculating the tip on the restaurant bill, making change at your lemonade stand, or figuring out how to quickly grow your savings, it’s all about the math in money. Visit with a handbag designer and meet students who are helping to save the environment.

Episode 203 Building Your Business Online

In today’s world, great tools are available for you to build a business online. The Biz Kids investigate the advantages and potential pitfalls in Internet businesses. See the success of a young graphic designer, a nine-year-old who sells bath salts, and two teens who built a social networking site.

Episode 204 Financial Institutions – All The Same?

You can have a savings account in one place, a checking account in another, and you can even bank online. Learn about the services offered by different institutions, including investment houses, stock exchanges, payday loan companies, and more. Visit New York City to see how fashion and finance mix.

Episode 205 How Credit Affects Your Life

Did you know that your credit score could make the difference in whether or not you get into the college of your dreams? Your credit score could even impact whether or not you get the job you’re applying for. Join the Biz Kids, and you’ll learn about building good credit and how the credit laws affect your life.

Episode 206 The Art of Negotiation

Discover strategies for effective negotiations with your parents, teachers, friends, siblings, and bosses. Even if you are simply working out the shared schedule with your brother to walk the dog, you’ll find out how to achieve your goals and arrive at a winning solution for everyone. Discover the success of teens who run “Grand Slam Garage Sales” and another young man who sells movie memorabilia online.

Episode 207 The World Is a Risky Place

Taking risks in life is important, but you want to be smart about those risks. Learn the things you can do to protect your business, your assets, and yourself. Meet two young tennis coaches and the owner of “Small Town Skateshop.”

Episode 208 Economic Cycles (What Goes Up Must Come Down)

Trends in the economy go up and down. Learn how trends can affect a business. Discover how you can protect yourself against negative effects and plan for the positive trends. Meet a young man who made paintball profitable and a family who mines for gold.

Episode 209 The Green Economy & You

Join the Biz Kids on a mission and discover your impact on the environment. Explore different ways to become part of the green economy and learn how there’s green to be made in thinking green. Find out about “The Big Green Bus” and “Zoo Doo.”

Episode 210 Secrets to Success

The secret to success is actually simple – it’s all about staying in school and building the best toolbox for your future. Learn about the many ways to pay for your education and the importance of learning every day of your life.

Episode 211 The Marketing Mix

Now that you’ve decided on your business product or service, how will you promote it? Let the Biz Kids help you understand your target market and learn about the four P’s of business success: product, price, promotion, and placement. Learn how “Exclusive Cuts” barber services, “Wow, Take a Bow” dog grooming, and other businesses market their services and products.

Episode 212 Hidden Careers

You don’t have to be perfect at your passion to build a career in it. If you love baseball, but don’t have the skills of a super athlete, you will see there are many different roles you can play behind the scenes. Learn about “behind the scenes” careers in sports, music, entertainment, art, and even aviation.

Episode 213 Learning From Failure

Have you ever made a decision you regret? Let the Biz Kids show you how several well-known companies overcame failures. You’ll also discover how mistakes can make you stronger by looking at the work of Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, and the kid businesses of “You’re on Deck” custom cards and “Big Quill Enterprises” oyster sales.

Episode 301 Are You Financially Literate?

 Whether your planning for college or planning to move out on your own after high school, acquiring the skills of goal setting, managing your money and finding the right savings/checking account early in life will make that next step much more successful.

Episode 302 Wheel of Misfortune

The Biz Kid$ explore the most common financial mistakes that people make and the importance of following a financial plan.

Episode 303 More Bang For Your Buck

 In tough times and good times, it is important to know how to get the best value for your money.  Stretching your dollar will give you more choices.

Episode 304 Where Is My Allowance

 How different families work out “allowances”.  How to manage your monthly income and expenses while you’re still living at home.

Episode 305 Escape The Box

Opportunity knocks – what do you do?  Learn how to be creative in problem solving, recognizing opportunities in your life and acting on them. 

Episode 401 A World without Taxes

Biz Kid$ explores the importance of taxes and how they impact your life. We find out what federal, state and local taxes pay for.  We meet a young man in Florida who owns and operates a haunted house and he shows us how he handles the taxes in his business.

Episode 402 Debt: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Benjamin Franklin said, “Neither a borrower or a lender be.”  Debt can be used as a tool to make large purchases.  However there are many ways that we can run into trouble with overspending or spending more than we make with credit cards.  Using credit cards is borrowing the banks money. The consequences of can be overwhelming but the Biz Kid$ learn to avoid the pitfalls of over spending by keeping a spending journal, living on a budget and trying a cash existence.

Episode 403 It’s Your First Car – or other big purchase

BROWN is not just a color.  It stands for all the steps you need to take beforebuying your first car, that new smart phone or the latest computer.  B is for Budget, R is for research, O is for ownership and what responsibilities go with that. W is “walk away” – hmmm….. don’t fall in love so you can’t walk away from a bad deal, N is for negotiate. 

Episode 404 What’s Up with the Stock Market

Have you ever tried to read the financial pages in the newspaper or understandhe bottom of the TV screen financial ticker.  It’s almost like reading the sports page with its own set of stats.  Biz Kid$ take us through the language of thestock market and how these terms apply to our lives.

Episode 405 Crash Course on Starting a Business

So you’ve got an idea – now what.  This episode is a quick but comprehensive course in the basics of honing your idea or product, making a business plan, finding funding, learning how to find or create the market and of course selling your service or product. 

Episode 406 How to Make a Million Bucks!

Never you say!  Wrong – it’s very possible.  You do have to work for yourMoney but you can make a million by working hard, spending less than you make and saving, saving, saving.   The key is to start early and save consistently  to take advantage of the power of compound interest.

Episode 407 Scamarama - or how to protect yourself from being scammed

 It’s become a very complicated world and there are many ways get taken advantage of or cheated.  Learn how to recognize a scam and how to protect yourself from identify theft, pyramid schemes, etc.  The Federal TradeCommission is an agency that creates consumer protection laws.  The Biz Kid$ learn what to do if you have been scammed.

Episode 408 The Value of Money

What determines the value of money?  There are many currencies around the world.  What are the factors that raise or lower the value of the American Dollar and why is it measured against the Chinese Yuan, the Japanese Yen or the Euro.  We find out why the value of the dollar is important in our lives.

501  What is Your Money Personality?
How do you act with money?  A look at the range of emotional reactions and connections people have with money.  Are you a “Money Star”, a “Hoarder”, or “Penny Wise and Pound Foolish”?  Find out in this episode.

502  Business Structures.
Everything from Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, all the way through the alphabet soup of corporations.  We examine the pros and cons of each business structure and give the viewers a hint of which one could be right for them.   So get down to business.

503  Movin’ On Out.
A Kid’s guide to the true cost of cutting the cord and being independent.  This episode takes viewers through the necessary steps:  Setting up checking accounts to pay the phone bill, utilities, etc.   We also stress the importance of paying on time, and how to negotiate with roommates.   All that and a reminder to take out the trash once in a while!

504  You Are the Target!
Of advertisers, that is.  Kids are subjected to thousands of commercial messages every day.  This episode shows them how to recognize when they are being targeted, how to resist manipulation, and apply good consumer skills to cut through the commercial fog.

505  The Economics of Economics.
A lighter look at the dismal science.  Everything from Macro and Micro economics, supply and demand, and economic indicators.  We show how individuals, the leaders of businesses, and even the leaders of countries use economic principles to make decisions – and we examine the consequences of those decisions.  It’s all economics.

506  Businesses That Give Back.
An overview of charitable businesses including new business structures that have “giving back” built right into the corporate charter.   We focus on socially conscious companies doing good by doing trade.  It’s the new triple bottom line:  People, Prosperity, Planet.

507  What’s in the Books?
Poor record keeping adds up to lost money.  This episode looks at bookkeeping and accounting, income and expenses, profit and loss, and how to get over math anxiety.  It’s all in the books.

508  Take it to the Bank.
A Kid’s view of the services that banks and other financial institutions offer – and why you should make use of them early in life.  We look at different types of banks, what they do, and how they can work for you.

509  How to Get A Job.
A step by step guide that outlines the best strategy for getting that first job.  How to write a great resume, dress for success, and nail the interview.  Plus a few hints on what to do when you finally land that job – like how to become the “Go to Guy”.

510  How to do a Fundraiser.
If you have a worthy cause you should know how to do a worthy fundraiser.  This episode shows how to organize volunteers, choose the right venue, get the word out, and keep expenses low.  It’s the right way to do the right thing.

511  Your own Bottom Line.
Congratulations, you have a windfall!  Now, what?  A look at investment opportunities and how to evaluate them.  This episode guides the young investor through the difficult choices in developing a personal investment plan – and how to keep an eye on those investments to maintain many happy returns.
512  Businesses Going Green.
A wide ranging look at how businesses are going green and the growing consumer demand for truly green products.  Everything from new manufacturing techniques, cutting edge transportation strategies, and sustainable materials.  These days going green is good for the bottom line.

513  All in the Family.
Some of the biggest businesses in the world were started, and are still run, by families – not to mention the tens of thousands of others.  What does it take to be a successful family business?  We look at communication strategies that families use to keep the business separate from the personal.  Finance, wills, trusts, and succession plans – it’s all in the family.



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