John McLean Media Distributor of quality television programming to USA domestic and international broadcast sattellite, cable and television stations

  Coop Dreams
(95 x 30 mins)
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Show Description for Coop Dreams:
"Green Acres" meets "Home Improvement" in this refreshing, informative unscripted lifestyle series depicting the hilarious adventures of a suburban family gone rural. Dad's dream is to try raising chickens and homesteading, but other family members are not as enthusiastic.


Episode 101 (S01E01): "Hatching An Idea"
Meet the family and get to know Brad, his Danish wife Jackster and their twin teenagers.  Brad begins his chicken journey by visiting experienced chicken keepers,  and then sets out to convince his reluctant family that chickens will be fun and easy.

Episode 102 (S01E02): "The Coop"
Brad visits a young couple who built a coop out of pallets… and then starts building his own chicken coop — without a design or any construction experience.   

Episode 103 (S01E03): "Lone Star"
A local chicken expert comes out to inspect the coop and deliver chickens. Will it pass or will the chickens have to be returned?  In hopes of having his own chickens in the near future, Brad visits a chicken equipment manufacturer to learn about necessities like feeders and waterers and nesting boxes. Brad learns about the healing power of therapy chickens at a nursing home in Texas.

Episode 104 (S01E04): "Coops and Chicks"
While in Texas, Brad visits a coop manufacturer.  On the ranch, he learns about hatching and raising chickens and coop design and gets to know the family, workers and animals around the property.

Episode 105 (S01E05): "The First 24 Hours"
Brad and his daughter Anna take on the challenge of assembling the new coop within the suggested timeframe after it is delivered.  Will they be able to beat the clock?  Afterwards, Brad visits the designer of the famed Chicken Swing where he not only sees chickens swing he learns about chicken diapers and brings home his own chickens for the new coop.

Episode 106 (S01E06): "The Chicken Chick®"
Beloved blogger, The Chicken Chick, visits the farm and provides feedback on Brad’s chicken-keeping methods.  While there, she discovers a medical problem with one of the chickens — chicken lice — and shows Brad how to treat it.

Episode 107 (S01E07): "Organics"
Kevin, an experienced farm manager, comes by Coop Dreams to talk chickens and composting with chicken tractors.  At Kevin’s invitation, Brad takes a trip to Virginia where he visits a variety of farms to learn about chicken-keeping, chicken tractors, composting and organic farming methods. 

Episode 108 (S01E08): "Fresh Eggs Daily"
Lisa Steele, author of two books on chickens and ducks, and well-know blogger on natural chicken-keeping methods, comes to visit Brad and his chickens.  Right before her visit, Pokey, Brad’s favorite chicken turns up missing.  Lisa and Brad search for Pokey, and discuss pecking order, herbs for chicken keeping, gardening with chickens and what foods chickens can eat. 

Episode 109 (S01E09): "Pokey"
After Pokey has been missing for 20 days, Brad discovers her trapped and hidden on a midnight trip to the barn. But Pokey is weak and unable to walk or eat.  Will she recover?  A surprise visit from her former coop mates may help.

Episode 110 (S01E10): "The Next Gen"
With much TLC and attention, Pokey rallies and returns to health, passing a check up with her vet. The new flock members settle in, including Edward, the new rooster.   But the happiness is cut short, as heartbreak hits the farm when Pork Chop, another member of the flock, is attacked by a predator.  


Episode 201 (S02E01): "The First Year"
Brad reviews the excitement and challenges of his first year as a chicken-keeper… including molting, rooster aggression, predator problems and winterizing the coop and run. 

Episode 202 (S02E02): "Coop Camp"
Brad goes to camp — Coop Camp™ that is — a weekend workshop for chicken-keepers from across the country. Meet the campers and chicken experts and enjoy the fun and education right along with those who were there. Enjoy Coop Camp antics like the coop building race and door prizes. It’s an episode packed with laughs and learning. 

Episode 203 (S02E03):  "Chicks!"
Brad decides to expand his flock by hatching some eggs from his own chickens…. It’s Day 21 on the incubation calendar … but Brad unexpectedly encounters a string of obstacles that put a successful hatch in jeopardy. Will he overcome the emergencies and have a brooder full of chicks?

Episode 204 (S02E04): "The Brooder Life"
Brad’s chicks move to the brooder where Brad learns the heavy workload that comes with keeping a hatch healthy and happy when raising them indoors during the winter… and the emotional attachment of raising chicks from your own eggs.

Episode 205 (S02E05): "Coops For Troops"
Recognizing the emotional attachment and calming quality of being around chickens, Brad begins a program called Coops for Troops™ which provides chickens, coops and supplies for veterans and military families. We meet the Gibbs … the very first recipients of a Coops for Troops package… and the many people who made the presentation possible.

Episode 206 (S02E06): "Organic Farming"
Brad invites Rent The Chicken to the farm to learn more about their risk-free program for helping people get started raising backyard chickens. He also has an organic expert out to the farm to help him prepare his garden for planting. The project is almost derailed due to equipment problems… but Brad and Kevin forge ahead, reviewing chickens and composting, planting and laying out the garden.

Episode 207 (S02E07): "Coop Math"
Brad finishes planting his spring garden prior to leaving for Texas to pick out his “last” coop… big enough for 20 chickens. While there, he learns about chickens and ducks — and gets to participate in the design and prototype build of a new duck coop.  

Episode 208 (S02E08): "Goats!"
Brad takes on the big job of assembling his brand new coop…. hoping to be able to finish it in one day. He also learns how to play chicken bingo and decides to bring in an expert to help him work with Edward…his aggressive rooster.  

Episode 209 (S02E09):  "Rooster Rehab"
A rooster expert comes to the farm to offer suggestions on how to rehab Brad’s aggressive rooster Edward. While working with Edward, the two find and treat some injuries on Edward. Also in this episode, Brad continues to tend his garden, begins planning to get some goats for the farm and mourns the loss of a special flock member.

Episode 210 (S02E10): "Next"
In the final episode of the season, Brad loses his beloved rooster to a predator… causes an uproar when he comes home with two goats in the back of the truck… and tries some enrichment activities with the flock. In addition, we meet the Trosts — the second Coops for Troops™ recipients.


Episode 301 (S03E01): "Early Stages of Chicken Math"
Brad learns the fun of living with goats, begins preparing for cold weather and is worried about his hen to rooster ratio.  With snow on the ground, he pays a visit to The Porter Farm in Indianapolis to see their updated coop and talk about roosters.

Episode 302 (S03E02):  "Pat"
Brad lays plans for ramping up his egg business.... launches an inspection of all 21 chickens after an incident in the chicken yard...learns from Facebook that one of his hens is not a hen... and learns how little he knows about goat behavior!

Episode 303 (S03E03):  "Coop Camp In Arizona"
Buckle up those seat belts!!! We're heading out on a field trip in Episode 3....  First stop the Phoenix, AZ area...where we meet Sommer Prosser who started The Aloha Chicken Project with the goal of creating a new American breed.  Then -- join the fun for Coop Camp™ and enjoy a peek at the fantastic weekend of friendship and learning.  After Coop Camp, we stopped by the home of Sydney Dye to meet all her critters and see the beautiful custom coop made by her husband.  THEN... it's onward to Lubbock, TX where we toured a vintage feed mill and talked with leaders of the thriving organic farming movement in Lubbock.

Episode 304 (S03E04): "The Buck Stops Here"
We say goodbye to Lubbock and the folks at New Country Organics and head to Dripping Springs for a Texas-sized version of Coop Camp.  Share in the fun as we learn about certified therapy chickens, how to show chickens and we take a tour of the shop and showroom at the Urban Coop Company.  Then... it's back home to the farm where the incubator says Day 18 on Brad's next hatch... and we meet the six new chicks --including Bigfoot -- and some irresistible baby goats from Twin Willows Farm.  Hold your breath as we see whether Catching Fire, the visiting Twin Willows buck, will settle in and if owner Erica feels comfortable leaving him at the farm to woo the affections of Dee Dee and Evangeline.  

Episode 305 (S03E05): "Garden, Goats and Chickens"
The loaner buck and Evangeline fall in love.... Will Dee Dee see his charms as well?  The hatched chicks are growing fast as Brad learns about the "clap test" for sexing chicks....and is lured by the promise of chocolate to adopt nine chicks from a friend in Jackster's absence.

Episode 306 (S03E06): "Catching Fire"
It's time for "Catching Fire", the buck, to head home to Twin Willows Farm... but first a good game of "catch me if you can" with Brad.  Bouncing baby goats are everywhere at Twin Willows and Brad comes away with a big case of "kid fever".  Back at the farm, Kevin from New Country Organics once again visits Brad to help him with his garden and talks organic vs conventional farming with some local farmers.

Episode 307 (S03E07):  "Kevin and Andrew Help Out"
Brad gets more advice from Kevin for his chickens and goats, then sets out to start his garden.  Patch is rejected by the other chickens and he winds up sleeping alone in one of the coops every night.   Andrew returns to the farm to "assist" in a couple of projects....the first is installing an automatic door opener on Patch's coop....Brad's "building" again!

Episode 308 (S03E08) : "A Visit To Bear Ridge"
Andrew finishes up at the farm by helping Brad build a goat feeder....or the start of one...and they find a slithery friend in the lumber pile.  Brad travels to the mountains of north Georgia to visit one of the most impressive coops in the United States.

Episode 309 (S03E09): "Rocklands Farm With Two Creative Chicks"
Before returning to the farm Brad heads off to Washington DC to learn organic farming at Rocklands farm.  The visit showcases a school bus repurposed into a chicken tractor and baby pigs.  The farm also boasts a winery and some amazing guests pop in for a fun conversation and wine tasting.

Episode 310 (S03E10):  "Biosecurity and uhm More Chicks"
Two incredible visits to the farm…  Dr McCrae, the country's leading expert on biosecurity comes to inspect the set up AND 10 chicks, oops 11 chicks, are delivered to grow the flock.  In addition Brad leads his first educational field trip of the farm.

Episode 311 (S03E11): "Brad's First Farm Tour"
More chicks arrive and Brad gives his first farm tour that is not to be missed!.  Having pregnant goats is quite stressful and full of challenges. Erica, from Twin Willows Farm, visits to help get Brad ready for the goat babies. Are Dee Dee and Evangeline really pregnant?  Find out in this episode as Brad prepares for kids.

Episode 312 (S03E12): "Time For Kids"
(Caution: Live birthing shown).  Evangeline's big day has arrived for bringing new kids into the world!  No one can resist baby goats and that is certainly the case here.  Evangeline is expected to have 3-4 kids while Dee Dee 2-3.  How many will be born and will all be healthy and happy kids?  Additionally, a broody hen hatches 3 eggs and the chicken yard grows by 3 more.

Episode 313 (S03E13): "Oh, The Fun Continues!"
Dee Dee surprises Brad by going into labor... and he's all on his own for the delivery!  Brad tries his hand at milking for the first time and the baby goats enjoy a hopping good time on their first trip outside.  Brad opens up the garden as a salad bar for the chickens and goats.  The farm is bustling with 3 new chicks, a barn load of baby goats and the chaos that chickens can bring.  The addition of all the new babies changes sleep patterns, routines and pecking order daily! 
(Caution: Live birthing shown). 


Episode 401 Coop Tours and the Mother Earth News Fair

Learning about homesteading is a never ending process and continues here with a trip to the Mother Earth News Fair ... along with a few coop tours along the way.

Episode 402 Gardening and Goodbyes
While the garden grows the herd sadly thins.

Episode 403 Pokey Jr and the Bee Hive
Pokey Jr gets kicked out of the chicken yard as the new beehive gets delivered.

Episode 404 A Field Trip to the Historic Mountains of North Georgia

The learning continues with a field trip to the mountains to learn about chickens, baby goats, bees and of course touring coops on the Great American Coop Tour.

Episode 405 A Goat Playground, Tractor Trouble and Coop Camp
Brad builds a playground for the goats and moves a little compost with the tractor.  The 5th Coop Camp is the best one yet with the most incredible speakers, campers and workshops.

Episode 406 More Coop Camp Fun and Catch Up on Farm Chores
A couple of Coop Camp workshops and chicken poop bingo!  Then it's back to painting hives, garden preparation, chicken toys and figuring out a good set-up for Pokey Jr.

Episode 407 Planting Time and Arrival of the Bees
With a little help, Brad puts forth his best effort yet on his garden set-up! And Brian brings him bees and helps install three colonies in the newly painted hives.

Episode 408 Kevin Visits the Farm….And the Kitchen!
Brad's organic feed and gardening coach makes his fourth visit to the farm.  This time it includes Brad and Kevin in the kitchen making frittatas.

Episode 409 A Trip to New Jersey and Brad's First Bee Inspection

The next Coops for Troops recipient takes Brad and crew to New Jersey where they also make a stop on the Great American Coop Tour.  After returning, Brad makes his first solo attempt at inspecting the bee hives.

Episode 410 Bee Inspection Do-Over, Colorado Adventure and A Surprise Return to the Herd
Brad's bee coach, Brian, comes to the farm to demonstrate the inspection process. Brad heads to Colorado to visit friends at Green Goo and one of Evangeline's kids returns home to the herd.


Heading into the 5th year of homesteading, the energy and excitement about the path Brad and his family are on has only escalated.    Chicken math is in full gear with more coops and chickens being added.  After a first year with bees, Brad is still looking to harvest honey and has planned for more baby goats in the Spring.  The organic garden continues to evolve as the flock helps to get the soil right.  Oh, and there is another new addition to the farm.

Episode 501:  Flurry Comes For A Visit 
The garden closes and the bees are checked for the winter while Flurry the buck arrives at the farm to breed the does.

Episode 502:  Welcome Charlie!
Charlie, a rescue turkey, arrives at the farm in style. Brad preps for winter and discovers some unexplained drops of blood in the chicken yard.

Episode 503: Beta Hatch
Following home treatment of a hen for bumble foot, Brad meets up with Ben from Chubby Mealworms in Seattle for some exciting news and a visit to a revolutionary new company which may change the future of animal nutrition.

Episode 504 title: Georgia On Mind
A Coops for Troops presentation in Georgia and visits to a rescue farm and The Bee Shop provide a nice break from the long winter.

Episode 505 title: Spring Is Coming
Do the bees survive the winter?  Does Pokey Jr return to the chicken yard?  Real concerns mount for the spring start-up as a high tech solution is introduced on the farm. 

Episode 506: Goats Will Be Goats
Busy Brad inspects the hives, relocates Pokey Jr again and sets some eggs...but runs into resistance during “spa day” for the pregnant does. 

Episode 507:Bees ’n Goats
Going on a queen hunt!  DeeDee delivers two adorable kids on a cold April night... but only one will nurse.

Episode 508: Goat Babies Being Goat Babies
Spring on the farm brings babies of all sorts -- from chicks to turkey poults to goat kids (lots and lots of kids)! In the midst of the chaos, Brad tries to solve the puzzling  challenge of Morgan being Morgan.

Episode 509:  Kevin Comes For A Visit
Brad’s organic gardening mentor, Kevin, comes for a visit and they tour a local farm-to-table restaurant and meet up with Brad’s first chicken coach, Andrew, to see his new feed store.   

Episode 510:  Garden, Milk and Honey?
Kevin assesses Brad’s garden and provides some hands-on success with milking the does.  The Bee Shop delivers and unveils their new AZ hive and helps move the colonies into their new homes.      

Episode 511:  Honey and Coop Camp
After successfully transferring the bee colonies to their new AZ hives with help from The Bee Shop, the time has finally come to harvest some honey...How much will they get?  And not to be missed, fun at Coop Camp...including Goat Yoga!


Episode 601:  Homesteading Year 6
Losing a couple of the beehives over the winter, more rooster conflict and the talk of launching an animal rescue center.

Episode 602:  The Quarantine Hits
Incubating chicks and growing your own food in times of crisis
Episode 603: Homesteading in a Worldwide Pandemic
Meet Freckles, setting up a new chicken yard and trying out a new feed on the chickens.  Will they go for it?

Episode 604: Chores and Pirates
Spring chores with the goats and a new playground for Captain Morgan and his crew!

Episode 605: Coop ‘n Garden
With a little help, Brad gets the garden prepped and planted and the new coop gets set for Pokey Jr and Pokey.

Episode 606: More Bees…and Chicks??
After losing the last of the hives, Brad hits the road to pick up some replacement bee packages from Meyer Bees and gets quite the informative tour of their shop, bee grafting and honey harvesting.

Episode 607: One Step Closer to Mini Cows
Brad loads the bee packages into their hives and sets out on an exploratory trip to see Scottish Highland cows in person.  Will he continue to research until the cows come home??

Episode 608: Welcome Home Bees....And Racoons 
Chicken math hits again and new bees are welcomed home with the addition of two pollinator gardens. Racoons show up uninvited and wreak havoc in the chicken yards.

Episode 609: Predator Recovery and A Coops For Troops Presentation
Patch and Stormy on the road to recovery, the garden is flourishing and a worthy family is presented with a Coops For Troops package

Episode 610: The Cows Come Home 
The homestead expands with two Scottish Highlands joining the Coop Dreams farm.  Sad news about Pokey Jr followed by good news to carry on his legacy.


Coop Dreams 701
Title: A New Beginning
Description:  Two Scottish Highland cows were delivered to the Coop Dreams farm and are proving to be quite adventurous. Coop Dreams University and Teaching Tuesday are introduced with a few clips from guest speakers. 

Coop Dreams 702
Title: New Level Chicken Math
Description: While dealing with end-of-year seasonal challenges, Brad decides to get more chicks and also adds turkey poults to the equation.

Coop Dreams 703
Title: Getting Ready For Spring
Description: It’s still winter, but chickens are laying, goats are escaping and the garden gets prepped for planting with a new technique learned from Coop Dreams University.

Coop Dreams 704
Title: Hello Spring
Description: Brad shares the loss of Beaks and gets busy with spring chores and moving the teenagers to the goat yard.

Coop Dreams 705
Title: Shots and Hawks
Description: Brad is put to the test getting the very reluctant four-legged animals vaccinated.  And the turkeys get a new home with the cows and a nesting mama hawk high above them.

Coop Dreams 706
Title: A Visit to Bee-stro
Description:  More chicken math fun with the hatching of P4 and Penguin.  The garden gets planted and Brad makes a trip to visit his new local bee coach, Andy, at Honeysuckle Hill....complete with an apiary, restaurant and a woodworking shop for chainsaw carving!

Coop Dreams 707
Title: Chainsaw Carving 101
Description:  While at The Bee-stro, Andy gives Brad a lesson in chainsaw carving and then comes to the farm to help install four new packages of bees.  

Coop Dreams 708
Title: Summertime
Description:  Turkeys get moved and summer heat means watermelon is a welcome treat for all the animals….well, most of the animals.  And, Brad nervously brings a Teaching Tuesday instructor for a tour and evaluation of the farm.

Coop Dreams 709
Title: Pokey
Description:  The matriarch of the chicken yard, Pokey, goes missing.  Brad helps out a friend by taking-in her rooster and hen that need re-homing.

Coop Dreams 710
Title: Surprise!
Description:  A box full of mail order guinea fowl arrive making a noisy addition to the farm.  And, Brad gets a big surprise down in the cow pasture.

Coop Dreams 711
Title: Weston, the Bull
Description:  The newest arrival to the farm, Weston, comes to visit and stay with Elsa and Anna for a few months.  Love is in the air.


Coop Dreams 801
Weston takes to Elsa and settles in nicely with Anna and Matilda while Brad prepares the farm for Old Man Winter.

Coop Dreams 802 - The sad day has come for Weston to return home and attention eventually turns to weaning Matilda.

Coop Dreams 803 - With a tom turkey and hen having doing well since the move to chicken yard, Brad embarks on a new adventure…breeding turkeys and setting their eggs!

Coop Dreams 804 - Spring is in the air and with the pandemic school closures over, the Earth Day Hatch Along resumes in person at the elementary school.  It also means more hatching of eggs at the farm.

Coop Dreams 805 - The goats join in on the breeding fun with another borrowed buck, Force, from Twin Willows Farm who takes to the girls quickly.  Brad elects to go a little bit easier route for the garden with some raised planting beds…but, he does have to put them together.

Coop Dreams 806 - After another tough winter for the bees, Brad decides to go with just two nucs for getting new hives going.  Not long after, he catches a bee swarm in the woods for the first time and starts a third hive with it.

Coop Dreams 807 - Brad takes time out from the daily farm fun to go on a field trip to visit the facilities at Belstra and Heinold Feeds. He was impressed at the educational component of the companys' efforts.

Coop Dreams 808 - Another field trip!  This time to see the operation of a small homesteading operation practicing regenerative farming in Northern Indiana.

Coop Dreams 809 - Oh boy, baby goats are due!  How many and how cute will they be??  And what about Elsa? Is she ever going to have a calf?

Coop Dreams 810 - An amazing final field trip to tour Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm in Virginia which is then followed by another well deserved Coops for Troops presentation in North Carolina.


Coop Dreams 901
Title: Field Trip to Polyface Farms
Description:  Following a Coops for Troops presentation in North Carolina, Brad goes heads up to Virginia to visit Polyface Farms.  He is treated to a personal tour by the owner, Joel Salatin, to learn more about homesteading and chicken tractors.

Coop Dreams 902
Title: Kids Meet the Adults
Description: Brad finishes up his tour at Polyface Farms learning about the importance of rotational grazing and tours the rest of the farm to see the chickens, pigs and turkeys.
The new goat kids are lively and energetic and two are taken to see the other goats on a supervised "meet ’n greet’ in the goat yard.

Coop Dreams 903
Title: Catching a Swarm
Description: Who could have seen this coming?  A swarm of bees is discovered by Jackster in the woods.  Brad sets out to catch the swarm and transfer the bees to one of the vacant hives for their new home. Is he crazy?

Coop Dreams 904
Title: Around the Farm
Description:  Brad checks in on the bee swarm he caught as well as the other two hives.   Attention is also given the goats and their four adorable kids along with the chicken yard with a few tricks to combat predators and photobombing turkeys.

Coop Dreams 905
Title: Homemade Chicken Tractor
Description: After years of thinking about it, Brad puts his building experience back to work and gets started on his one-of-a kind homemade chicken tractor for use in the cow pasture.  In his spare time, he gets a jump on spring and sets some chicken eggs to help replenish the flock.

Coop Dreams 906
Title: Coops for Troops
Description:  After a snowy cold winter, the Coop Dreams team heads to San Diego for another Coops for Troops interview and presentation to a worthy veteran and his family. 

Coop Dreams 907
Title: Spring Means Chicks
Description:  The Coop Dreams team finishes up the Coops for Troops presentation of sponsor gifts and a large handmade chicken coop.  Signs of spring are in full gear at the farm including the annual Earth Day Hatch Along with the kindergartners.

Coop Dreams 908
Title:  A Mechanized Chicken Tractor
Description:  Continuing on the path of incorporating rotational grazing and regenerative farming down in the cow pasture, a mechanized chicken tractor developed by StockCropper is brought to the farm for trying out in the lower pasture alongside the homemade chicken tractor. 

Coop Dreams 909
Title: Setting Bees Again
Description:  With his caught bee swarm doing well, Brad is introduced to a new style beehive to help with winter survival.  After picking up two nucs, he sets bees in the new hive and his Langstroth hive.  Back at the elementary school, eggs have hatched and students learn about transferring the chicks to the brooder.

Coop Dreams 910
Title: Turkeys Galore
Description:   A few chickens and a couple of goats are rounded up and put in the StockCropper down in the cow pasture.  The chicken yard has a few new members and now a total of 14 heritage turkeys that seem to be taking over.

as at 30 Oct 2023



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